About Us

The Brand

The Exterminator Pest Control is a combination of thorough scientific work & research along with over two decades of professional service brought to our valued cutomers today. We dedicate a lot of our time on scientific publications related to specialized sectors and to educate the public on the iprovement of the Pest Control Industry in the Maltese islands.

The Man Behind The Brand

Arnold Sciberras a.k.a the Exterminator is a Professional Pest Control Consultant which aims to solve all Domestic , Industrial, Agricultural and Environmental Pest Control related problems. Arnold is a Naturalist, and with nature at heart he works hard to preserve and protect it. Hence the  use of the most natural ingredients where possible is a priority. Meanwhile assuring high effectiveness and no harm to the ones not effected.

Proudly Representing Orkin

Founded in 1901 by 14-year-old Otto Orkin, Orkin has more than 100 years of experience in pest control services and are leaders in the industry, specializing in protection against common pests, including termites, rodents, and insects. In addition to pest control, the company also offers integrated plans to help protect the whole home, including insulation and moisture control services.

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The Group

The exterminator forms part of DegiogioVassallo Ventures.

As a group of companies we seek to foster entrepreneurship and invest in talented, professional individuals who have the drive to take their business to the next level. We provide the experience and dedication needed to achieve leadership in local markets and international links to drive international growth. We do this by investing in people and creating an environment which enables and empowers everyone to succeed.

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